PDF-Bücher Gym Candy, by Carl Deuker
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Gym Candy, by Carl Deuker

PDF-Bücher Gym Candy, by Carl Deuker
Gym Candy, By Carl Deuker . Ist das Ihre Freizeit? Was werden Sie danach tun? Reserve- oder Freizeit zu haben ist äußerst erstaunlich. Sie können ohne Druck jede Kleinigkeit tun. Nun, nehmen wir an , Sie einige Zeit zu befreien , dieses E-Buch Gym Candy, By Carl Deuker Dies ist ein Gott Buch zu überprüfen , die Sie in diesen Ausfallzeiten zu begleiten. Sie werden nicht so schwierig sein , etwas aus dieser Publikation Gym Candy, By Carl Deuker Viel mehr zu verstehen, es wird Ihnen sicherlich helfen , bessere Informationen sowie Erfahrung zu erhalten. Auch haben Sie die hervorragende Jobs, Lesen dieser Publikation Gym Candy, By Carl Deuker nicht Ihre Gedanken umfassen.
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"Deuker skillfully complements a sobering message with plenty of exciting on-field action…[A] solid addition to the sports fiction shelf."--Booklist, 9/1/07 Booklist, ALA"Deuker continues his run as premier author of provocative YA sports novels...[kick] off the football season with this riveting title…" The Bulletin 9/2007Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books"Deuker...knows his stuff...This is a solid sports tale with a valuable message."--KLIATT September 2007 KLIATT"[A] great addition to both school and public libraries and an eye-opening recommendation to all budding athletes."--VOYA October 2007 VOYA (Voice of Youth Advocates)"Deuker realistically portrays the paranoia, acne, and emotional roller-coaster...of steroid use." SLJ 10/2007 School Library Journal
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Carl Deuker participated in several sports as a boy. He was good enough to make most teams, but not quite good enough to play much. He describes himself as a classic second-stringer. "I was too slow and too short for basketball; I was too small for football, a little too chicken to hang in there against the best fastballs. So, by my senior year the only sport I was still playing was golf." Carl still loves playing golf early on Sunday mornings at Jefferson Park in Seattle, the course on which Fred Couples learned to play. His handicap at present is 13.Combining his enthusiasm for both writing and athletics, Carl has created many exciting, award-winning novels for young adults. He currently lives in Seattle, Washington, with his wife and daughter.
Taschenbuch: 320 Seiten
Verlag: HMH Books for Young Readers; Auflage: Reprint (22. September 2008)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9780547076317
ISBN-13: 978-0547076317
ASIN: 0547076312
Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: Ab 12 Jahren
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14 x 2,2 x 21 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 20.084 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Mick Johnson has big football shoes to fill. His dad was a high school star who went on to be a college standout and then a third round draft pick in the NFL. There are two empty walls in the family den just waiting for all the honors and awards Mick is expected to earn.Things seem to be headed in the right direction. Mick is an accomplished eighth-grade running back. He and his friend are stoked to learn they have been invited to join the high school team for their spring workouts. By the end of the summer, they both actually make it onto the varsity team as mere freshmen. But just making the team is not enough for competitive Mick. He doesn't just want to be there; he wants to play there, too.Personal goals as well as parental pressure drive Mick to seek ways to speed things up. He knows he needs to be bigger and stronger, but natural growth is way too slow. Pills and protein powder from the health supplement store seem like a possible answer. He even gets his dad to agree and pay for the expense. Maybe he's on his way to playing bigger, faster, and stronger.When Mick starts increasing his weight training time, his dad has another answer. The radio station where he works is the new owner of the local fitness center -- and free memberships for employees come with the deal. Mick starts working out with his own personal trainer. Peter, the trainer, has other ideas of how to help develop power. Mick's competitive drive pushes him toward steroid use, with all its positive results and negative side effects. His game and his body do get stronger, but at what cost? Friends, health, and personal pride suffer as Mick becomes more and more involved with the performance-enhancing drugs.Carl Deuker, author of RUNNER and NIGHT HOOPS, focuses on football in this new book. His use of non-stop, play-by-play action, realistic teen frustrations, and personal demons make this a book even reluctant readers will be reluctant to put down.Reviewed by: Sally Kruger, aka "Readingjunky"
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